Top 10 Tips to Create a PERT Math Study Plan

Top 10 Tips to Create a PERT Math Study Plan

The PERT or Postsecondary Education Readiness Test is a test to determine the appropriate level of college work for an incoming student. It is a comprehensive and quick assessment of students’ academic abilities. The PERT test consists of three separate exams:

  • Mathematics
  • Reading
  • Writing

To succeed in PERT math, you must have a PERT study program. This plan tells you when, what, and how you can prepare for PERT math. It also helps you manage your time and make the most of your time for PERT math. Here are some tips to help you get started with a PERT math study program. So join us!

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1- Make a list of all PERT math topics

The first step in creating a math study plan is to make a list of all the math topics you need to pass the PERT math test. It will help you identify the topics you need to study.

2- Collect PERT study materials

Before starting a PERT math study program, it is best to gather all the resources related to your study. Therefore, you do not spend time studying to find the resources you use.

3- Start early

Waiting until the last minute to start studying PERT math is the biggest mistake you can make. As PERT math test day approaches, you will probably feel tired, and stressed, making it harder to remember anything. It will stress you out, and you will find yourself in an endless struggle.

An early start allows you to study for just a few hours each day and relax your brain. It also gives you enough chance to get help from the areas you are struggling with.

4- Design a table to manage time

You can use a better time by designing a table. After doing this, assign each column of the table to a PERT math topic. Fill in the columns according to math topics you want to read. This will help you get things done faster than you expect.

5- Practice daily

If you have never had a daily study schedule, now is the time to have a good daily study schedule because of the PERT test. It will make you more focused on your goal. Remember that no one is free from daily practice to succeed, even geniuses strive for their goal every day.

The Ultimate Crash Course to Beat the PERT Math Test

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6- Update your PERT schedule

Before each study period, your study plan should be updated to outline the specific goals, objectives, learning outcomes, and study materials of that study session.

7- Take practice tests

As you approach the test days and when you are ready, you should perform the simulated tests. Because the PERT is an adaptive computer test, you can use online practice tests to better test yourself. You can also use books that consist of practice tests. Although the PERT test gives you unlimited time, time management during the practice test will both reduce your stress and make you more successful during the main test.

8- Get help if you need

One good but costly way to prepare for PERT is to hire a tutor. If you do not want to spend a fortune on hiring a tutor, you can use books that will guide you like a professional tutor.

9- Join a study group

It is a good idea to study math by yourself most of the time. However, it is difficult to keep busy and motivated when you are studying alone. Join a study group at least once a week to help you stay motivated. If you are struggling with a PERT math problem, a study group can help you solve it.

10- Take care of yourself

Health care is very important and you should pay attention to it during your study program. You can spend many hours studying and preparing for PERT math, but you need to eat well, drink plenty of water, and exercise. These steps will help you to be more focused and prepared when preparing for PERT math.

Finally, keep in mind that while a study program can help you pass the PERT math test, it does not answer on its own, and the final success of the PERT test depends on your willpower and performance.

Looking for the best resources to help you or your student succeed on the PERT test?

The Best Book to Ace the PERT Test

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More from Effortless Math for PERT Test …

Do you know what the mathematics of the PERT test includes?

If your answer to this question is no, do not miss the Overview of the PERT Mathematics Test!

How much do you know about the best PERT math prep books?

Before buying any kind of PERT prep book, first read our article about this: Top 10 PERT Math Prep Books (Our 2021 Favorite Picks)

There is not much time left until the PERT math test and there are still a lot of unmemorized formulas left?

Do not worry! The Ultimate PERT Math Formula Cheat Sheet will solve your problem!

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