
Search in Perimeter articles.

How to Find Perimeter and Area Relationship

How to Find Perimeter and Area Relationship

In this blog post, students learn about the perimeter and area of simple shapes like rectangles and squares. Although the perimeter and area are related to the dimensions of a shape, they represent different concepts and don’t always change in the same way.

How to Find the Perimeter of Right-Angled Triangle?

How to Find the Perimeter of Right-Angled Triangle?

The perimeter of a geometrical shape is the total length of its boundary. In this step-by-step guide, you learn how to find the perimeter of a right-angled triangle.

How to Find the Area and Perimeter of the Semicircle?

How to Find the Area and Perimeter of the Semicircle?

Area and Perimeter

Area and Perimeter

Perimeter: Locate the Absent Side Lengths

Perimeter: Locate the Absent Side Lengths