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What is the Relationship between Dilations and Angles in Geometry

What is the Relationship between Dilations and Angles in Geometry

While dilation changes the size of a figure, it does so proportionally, ensuring the figure’s shape remains unchanged. An intriguing consequence of this proportionality is that angles within the figure remain consistent post-dilation. Essentially, regardless of how much we stretch or compress a figure through dilation, its angles remain steadfast and unchanged. This characteristic has […]

How to Understand Dilations: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Understand Dilations: A Step-by-Step Guide

Dilation, in its simplest form, is the act of enlarging or reducing a figure while maintaining its original shape. It’s like zooming in or out on a camera: the object’s proportions remain unchanged, but its overall size varies. In the realm of geometry, dilations are governed by a scale factor. If the scale factor is […]