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How to Calculate and Interpret Correlation Coefficients

How to Calculate and Interpret Correlation Coefficients

A method of numerical measurement of the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables is to use the correlation coefficient. There are different types of correlation coefficients, the most common of which are Pearson’s \(R\)-Rho and Spearman. Calculate Pearson’s R The following formula is used to calculate Pearson’s \(R\): \(r=\frac{(nΣ(xy)-(Σx)(Σy))}{\sqrt{((nΣ(x^2)-(Σx)^2)(nΣ (y^2) – (Σy)^2))}}\) […]

How to Know the Difference Between Correlation and Causation

How to Know the Difference Between Correlation and Causation

Correlation and causation are two statistical concepts that, although they are related, have differences from each other. Correlation shows the relationship between two variables. Causation shows the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable. In Causation, any changes in the independent variable lead to changes in the dependent variable. It is possible to […]