World Problems Involving Fractions of a Group

World Problems Involving Fractions of a Group

Word problem consists of a or two sentences and children have to apply their math skills to a real-life scenario.

A Fraction has two parts:

Numerator: It is on the top of a fraction and shows parts of a whole.

Denominator: It is on the bottom of a fraction and shows a whole group of items.

A fraction can be simplified if both the numerator and denominator are divided by the same number.

World Problems Involving Fractions of a Group – examples 1

There are 10 books on a shelf. 4 of the books are new. What fraction of the books are new?


4 out of 10 books are new. Then, \(\frac{4}{10}\) of the books are new. Divide both the numerator and denominator by 2 to write the fraction in the lowest terms.


World Problems Involving Fractions of a Group – examples 2

28 students went to a summer camp. 16 of them went hiking in the morning. What fraction of the students went hiking?


16 out of 28 students went hiking. So, \(\frac{16}{28}\) of the students went hiking. To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by 4.


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