Using Number Lines to Represent Absolute Value of Integers

A number line can be used to represent the absolute value of integers. The absolute value of an integer is its distance from zero on a number line.

Using Number Lines to Represent Absolute Value of Integers

A step-by-step guide to represent Absolute Value of Integers on the number line

Here’s a step-by-step guide to representing the absolute value of integers on a number line:

  1. Draw a number line with 0 in the center, and positive numbers to the right and negative numbers to the left.
  2. Choose an integer you want to find the absolute value of.
  3. Drop a vertical line down from the integer to the number line.
  4. Find the distance between the integer and zero on the number line.
  5. Label the absolute value of the integer as the distance you just found, making sure to place the label on the positive side of the number line.
  6. Repeat the process for additional integers, as needed.

Example: To find the absolute value of -3 on a number line, drop a vertical line down from -3 to the number line. Then, measure the distance between -3 and zero on the number line. The result is 3, which is the absolute value of -3. Label 3 on the positive side of the number line.

Using Number Lines to Present Absolute Value of Integers – Examples 1

Find the absolute value of \(|6|\) and graph on the number line.
According to \(6≥0\), the absolute value of a positive number is the distance to the right side from 0. So, \(|6|=6\).

Using Number Lines to Present Absolute Value of Integers – Examples 2

Find the absolute value of \(|-13|\) and graph on the number line.
According to \(-13≤0\), the absolute value of a positive number is the distance to the right side from 0. So, \(|-13|=13\).

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