Metric Units

In this article, we want to give you more information about the metric system and how to convert units in this system.

Metric Units

The metric system is a measurement system utilized all over the globe by mathematicians and scientists. This system is centered on multiplication along with division by ten.

There are \(7\) commonly utilized used units whenever we are talking about measurement.

Whenever length conversion is involved, one meter is the base unit whilst doing any metric conversion.

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There are several metric units utilized to measure area, mass, capacity, and length. For instance, millimeters, meters, centimeters, as well as kilometers are metric units of the measurement for length. Grams along with kilograms are the units used for measuring weights.

The table below shows the arrangement of metric units

KiloHecto  Deca Base Unit Deci  Centi  Milli 
 \(1,000\) \(100\)\(10\)\(1\)\(\frac{1}{10}\) \(\frac{1}{100}\)\(\frac{1}{1,000}\) 

The subsequent table demonstrates the conversion of meters into other units of a meter. 

Base UnitAdditional Metric Units
\(1\) meter\(1/1000\) kilometer
\(1\) meter\(1/100\) hectometer
\(1\) meter \(1/10\) decameter
\(1\) meter \(10\) decimeter
\(1\) meter \(100\) centimeter
\(1\) meter \(1,000\) millimeter

Gram and kilogram units are used to measure the weight of an object. The table below shows how the units for measuring an object can be converted to each other.

 Kilogram Hectogram  Decagram  Gram  Decigram  Centigram Milligram 
 (kg) (hg)  (dag)  (g)  (dg)  (cg)  (mg) 
\(1,000\) \(100\) \(10\) \(1\) \(\frac{1}{10}\) \(\frac{1}{100}\) \(\frac{1}{1,000}\)

To measure the amount of liquid that an object can hold, we use units such as milliliters and liters.
The following table is used to convert units of capacity.

 Kiloliter Hectoliter  Decaliter  Liter  Deciliter Centiliter  Milliliter
 (kl)  (hl)  (dal)  (l)  (dl)  (cl)  (ml) 
\(1,000\) \(100\) \(10\) \(1\) \(\frac{1}{10}\) \(\frac{1}{100}\) \(\frac{1}{1,000}\)

Tip: Remember whilst going from bigger units to the lesser units (for instance, kilometers to meters, meters to centimeters, etc.), you multiply the value via an applicable power of ten. In contrast, whilst going from lesser units to bigger units (for instance, millimeters to centimeters, centimeters to meters, and meters to kilometers), divide the value via an applicable power of ten.

Metric Units – Example 1:

Convert to an appropriate Metric unit.

\(4\)meter \(=\)___decimeter


\(1\)m \(=10\) decimeter. So, to convert m to decimeter we should multiply \(4\) by \(10\). Therefore: \(4 × 10=40\). The answer is \(40\) decimeter.

Metric Units – Example 2:

Convert to an appropriate Metric unit.

\(8,000\) milliliter \(=\)___liter


\(1\)milliliter= \(\frac{1}{1000}\) liter. So, to convert milliliter to liter we should divide \(8000\) by \(1000\). Therefore: \(\frac{8,000}{1,000}=8\) . The answer is \(8\) liter.

Exercises for Metric Units

Convert to an appropriate Metric unit.

  1. \(\color{blue}{0.04kg=?mg}\)
  2. \(\color{blue}{23l=?cl}\)
  3. \(\color{blue}{14km=?m}\)
  4. \(\color{blue}{300cg=?g}\)
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is answers.png
  1. \(\color{blue}{40,000}\)
  2. \(\color{blue}{2,300}\)
  3. \(\color{blue}{14,000}\)
  4. \(\color{blue}{3}\)

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