How to Measure Angles with a Protractor
In this step-by-step and comprehensive guide, you will understand and learn how to measure angles using a protractor.

A Step-by-step Guide to Measurement of Angles with a Protractor
Here is a step-by-step guide for measuring angles with a protractor:
Step 1: Understand the Protractor
A protractor is a semi-circle-shaped tool used to measure angles. It has degrees marked from 0 to 180.
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Step 2: Position the Protractor
To start, place the midpoint of the protractor (the small hole on the straight edge of the protractor) on the vertex (the point where the two lines meet) of the angle you want to measure.
Step 3: Align the Protractor
Align one arm (line) of the angle with the zero line of the protractor. This is usually the straight edge of the protractor where the numbers start from 0.
Step 4: Read the Protractor
Look at where the second line of the angle crosses the protractor to find the measurement of the angle in degrees.
Note: Protractors have two sets of numbers. One set goes from 0 to 180 from left to right, and the other set goes from 0 to 180 from right to left. Make sure to start from 0 on the same side as the arm of your angle.
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Step 5: Record the Measurement
Write down the measurement of the angle in degrees (°).
Step 6: Check Your Work
It’s always a good idea to double-check your work. Make sure the protractor hasn’t moved and that you’ve read the correct set of numbers.
With these steps, you can accurately measure angles using a protractor. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing until you feel confident with the process.
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