How to Find Inverse of a Function? (+FREE Worksheet!)

Since an inverse function essentially undoes the effects of the original function, you need to learn how to use them. Therefore, in this article, we have tried to acquaint you with the method of using inverse functions.

How to Find Inverse of a Function? (+FREE Worksheet!)

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Definition of Function Inverses

  • An inverse function is a function that reverses another function: if the function \(f\) applied to an input \(x\) gives a result of \(y\), then applying its inverse function \(g\) to \(y\) gives the result \(x\).
    \(f(x)=y\) if and only if \(g(y)=x\)
  • The inverse function of \(f(x)\) is usually shown by \(f^{-1} (x)\).


Function Inverses – Example 1:

Find the inverse of the function: \(f(x)=2x-1\)


First, replace \(f(x)\) with \(y: y=2x-1\), then, replace all \(x^{‘}s\) with \(y\) and all \(y^{‘}s\) with \(x: x=2y-1\), now, solve for \(y: x=2y-1→x+1=2y→\frac{1}{2} x+\frac{1}{2}=y\), Finally replace \(y\) with \(f^{-1} (x): f^{-1} (x)=\frac{1}{2} x+\frac{1}{2}\)

Function Inverses – Example 2:

Find the inverse of the function: \(g(x)=\frac{1}{5} x+3\)


First, replace \(g(x)\) with \(y:\) \(y=\frac{1}{5} x+3\), then, replace all \(x^{‘}s\) with \(y\) and all \(y^{‘}s\) with \(x :\)\(x=\frac{1}{5} y+3\) , now, solve for \(y: x=\frac{1}{5} y+3 → x-3=\frac{1}{5} y→5(x-3)=y → 5x-15=y\), Finally replace \(y\) with \(g^{-1}(x) : g^{-1}(x)=5x-15\)

Function Inverses – Example 3:

Find the inverse of the function: \(h(x)=\sqrt{x}+6\)


First, replace \(h(x)\) with \(y:\) \(y=\sqrt{x}+6\), then, replace all \(x^{‘}s\) with y and all \(y^{‘}s\) with \(x : x=\sqrt{y}+6\), now, solve for \(y :\) \(x=\sqrt{y}+6\) → \(x-6=\sqrt{y}→(x-6)^2=\sqrt{y}^2→x^2-12x+36=y\) , Finally replace \(y\) with \(h^{-1}(x): h^{-1} (x)=x^2-12x+36\)

Function Inverses – Example 4:

Find the inverse of the function: \(g(x)=\frac{x+5}{4}\)


First, replace \(g(x)\) with \(y :\) \(y=\frac{x+5}{4}\) , then, replace all \(x^{‘}s\) with \(y\) and all \(y^{‘}s\) with \(x :\) \(x=\frac{y+5}{4} \), now, solve for \(y:\) \(x=\frac{y+5}{4} \) → \(4x=y+5→4x-5=y\), Finally replace \(y\) with \( g^{-1}(x) : g^{-1}(x)=4x-5\)

Exercises for Function Inverses

Find the inverse of each function.

  1. \(\color{blue}{f(x)=\frac{1}{x}-3}\)
    \(\color{blue}{f^{-1} (x)=}\)________
  2. \(\color{blue}{g(x)=2x^3-5}\)
    \(\color{blue}{g^{-1} (x)=}\)________
  3. \(\color{blue}{h(x)=10x}\)
    \(\color{blue}{h^{-1} (x)=}\)________
  4. \(\color{blue}{f(x)=\sqrt{x}-4}\)
    \(\color{blue}{f^{-1} (x)=}\)________
  5. \(\color{blue}{f(x)=3x^2+2}\)
    \(\color{blue}{f^{-1} (x)=}\)________
  6. \(\color{blue}{h(x)=22x}\)
    \(\color{blue}{h^{-1} (x)=}\)________
  1. \(\color{blue}{\frac{1}{x+3}}\)
  2. \(\color{blue}{\sqrt[3]{\frac{x+5}{2}}}\)
  3. \(\color{blue}{\frac{x}{10}}\)
  4. \(\color{blue}{x^2+8x+16}\)
  5. \(\color{blue}{\sqrt{\frac{x-2}{3}}}\), \(\color{blue}{-\sqrt{\frac{x-2}{3}}}\)
  6. \(\color{blue}{\frac{x}{22}}\)

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