Full-Length ISEE Lower Level Math Practice Test-Answers and Explanations

Full-Length ISEE Lower Level Math Practice Test-Answers and Explanations

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ISEE Lower Level Math Practice Test Answers and Explanations

1- Choice D is correct
The ratio of lions to tigers is 14 to 4 or 7 to 2 at the zoo. Therefore, a total number of lions and tigers must be divisible by \(5. 7+2=9,\) From the numbers provided, only 142 is not divisible by 9.

2- Choice D is correct
If \(\frac{1}{4}\) of a number is greater than 5, the number must be greater than 20.
\(\frac{1}{4}\) \(x>5\)→multiply both sides of the inequality by 4,then: \(x>20\)

3- Choice D is correct
\(6×(M+N)=42\), then \(M+N=7. M>0→N\) could not be \(7\)

4- Choice D is correct
The closest to 6.02 is 6 in the choices provided.

5- Choice D is correct
\(\frac{16}{6}=\frac{8}{3}=2.66\), the only choice that is greater than \(2.66\) is \(\frac{7}{2}\). ( \(\frac{7}{8}=0.875 ,\frac{9}{5}=1.8 ,\frac{5}{3}=1.6\)) \(\frac{7}{2}=3.5 ,3.5>2.66\)

6- Choice D is correct
Let \(x\) be the number. Then: \(6+x=24→x=18→18+30=48\)

7- Choice D is correct
N is even. Let’s choose 2 and 4 for N. Now, let’s review the choices provided.
A. \(\frac{N}{2}=\frac{2}{2}=1, \frac{N}{2}=\frac{4}{2}=2\), One result is odd and the other one is even.
B. \(N+4=2+4=6, 4+4=8\) Both results are even.
C. \(2N=2×2=4, 4×2=8\) Both results are even.
D. \(N+1=2+1=3, 4+1=5\) Both results are odd.

8- Choice C is correct
\(7.2-3.56=3.64\), which is closest to \(3.7\)

9- Choice C is correct
The value of digit 2 in both numbers and are in the hundreds place. Therefore, they have the same value.

10- Choice C is correct
A represents digit 2 in the multiplication. \(15×462=6,930\)

11- Choice C is correct
\(\frac{6}{3}×\frac{8}{9}=\frac{48}{27}=\frac{16}{9}\), Choice B is equal to \(\frac{16}{9}\). \(\frac{6×8}{27}=\frac{16}{9}\)

12- Choice C is correct
\(6×7×6×11\) is equal to the product of \(42\) and \(66\). \((6×7)×(6×11)=42×66\)

13- Choice C is correct
\(42=x×7→x=42÷7=6\) , \(x\) equals to \(6\). Let’s review the options provided:
A. \(x+3→6+3=9\) →\(42\) is not divisible by \(9\).
B. \(3x+1→3×6+1=19\) →\(42\) is not divisible by \(19\).
C. \(x×7→6×7=42\) →\(42\) is divisible by \(42\).
D. \(2x-7→2×6-7=5\) →\(42\) is not divisible by \(5\).

14- Choice B is correct
\(x+3=17→x=14 , 2y-6=14→y=10, x-y=14-10=4\)

15- Choice D is correct

16- Choice B is correct
First, find the pattern, \(1+2=3→3+3=6→6+4=10→10+5=15\)
The difference between two consecutive numbers increases by 1. The difference of 10 and 15 is So 5, the next number should be \(21. 15+6=21\)

17- Choice B is correct
\(14-21=-7\), The temperature at midnight was \(7\) degrees below zero.

18- Choice B is correct
Area of a triangle \(=\frac{1}{2}×(base)×(height)=\frac{1}{2}×8×4=16\)

19- Choice D is correct
area of a square=side\(×\)sid

20- Choice C is correct

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21- Choice D is correct
Let’s review the options provided:
A. \(5×3=15\) →This is true!
B. \((4+3)×5=35\) → This is true!
C. \(18×(3-1)=36\)→ This is true!
D. \(27÷(5-2)=7\)→ This is NOT true!

22- Choice C is correct
There is 6 red ball and 15 are a total number of balls. Therefore, the probability that John will pick out a red ball from the basket is 6 out of 15 or \(\frac{6}{6+9}=\frac{6}{15}=\frac{2}{5}\).

23- Choice C is correct
An equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry.

24- Choice B is correct
\(20\) percent of \(280 = 20\% \)of\( 280 =\frac{20}{100}×280=56\)

25- Choice D is correct
average\(=\frac{sum \space of \space all \space numbers}{number \space of \space numbers}=\frac{7+9+11+21+38}{5}=17.2\)

26- Choice B is correct
The shape has 6 equal sides. And its side is 5. Then, the perimeter of the shape is:

27- Choice B is correct
Write the numbers in order: 1,3,5,6,11,12,19, Median is the number in the middle. Therefore, the median is 6.

28- Choice B is correct
\(N=3\), then: \(\frac{48}{3}+12=16+12=28\)

29- Choice C is correct
Four people can paint 6 houses in 12 days. It means that for painting 12 houses in 12 days we need 10 people. To paint 12 houses in 6 days, 20 people are needed.

30- Choice B is correct

31- Choice B is correct
The biggest city is city C and the smallest city is city B.
The number of men in city A is 662 and the number of men in city C is 281. Then: \(662-281=381\)

32- Choice C is correct
There are equal From the choice provided, only choice C is not equal to \(\frac{3}{8}\). \(\frac{12}{56}=\frac{9}{112}\)

33- Choice C is correct
\(25a-15=30, 25a=30+15 , 25a=45, a=1.8\)

34- Choice C is correct
All angles in a triangle sum up to 180 degrees. Two angles of a triangle measure 35 and 80.
\(35+80=115\) Then, the third angle is: \(180 –115=65\)

35- Choice C is correct

36- Choice D is correct
There are equal numbers of four types of cards. Therefore, the total number of cards must be divisible by 4. Only choice D (56) is divisible by 4.

37- Choice D is correct
30 seconds is one-half of a minute. One-fourth of 110 is 55. \(110 ÷ 2 = 55 \)
Jim types 55 words in 30 seconds.

38- Choice C is correct

39- Choice A is correct
8,903.3795 rounded to the nearest tenth is 8,903.4

40- Choice B is correct
least common multiple (LCM) of 6 and 15 is the smallest number that is divisible by both 6 and 15. LCM = 30

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41- Choice D is correct
The factors of 32 are: {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32} 18 is not a factor of 32.

42- Choice B is correct
5 hours =300 minutes. Write a proportion and solve. \(\frac{50}{1} = \frac{300}{x} → x = \frac{300}{50} = 6\)

43- Choice D is correct
Find common denominator and solve. \(\frac{4}{5}-\frac{3}{7}=\frac{28}{35}-\frac{15}{35}=\frac{13}{35}\)

44- Choice B is correct
All angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees. \(36+58=94, 180–94=86\)

45- Choice B is correct
If 28 balls are removed from the bag at random, there will be one ball in the bag.
The probability of choosing a brown ball is 1 out of 28. Therefore, the probability of not choosing a brown ball is 25 out of 28 and the probability of having not a brown ball after removing 25 balls is the same.

46- Choice D is correct
The question is this: 2.5 is what percent of 1.25? Use percent formula: part \(=\frac{percent}{100} × whole ⇒\space part= \frac{percent}{100} × 1.25 ⇒ 2.5 = \frac{percent ×1.25}{100} ⇒250 = percent ×1.25 ⇒ percent =\frac{250}{1.25} = 200\)

47- Choice C is correct
The question is this: 650.55 is what percent of 867.4?
Use percent formula: \(part = \frac{percent}{100} × whole\)
\(650.55 = \frac{percent}{100}× 867.4 ⇒ 650.55 = \frac{percent ×867.4}{100}⇒65055 = percent ×867.4 ⇒\)
\(percent = \frac{65055}{867.4}= 75\), \(650.55\) is \(75\%\) of \(867.4\). Therefore, the discount is: \(100\% – 75\% = 25\%\)

48- Choice C is correct
Area of a triangle = \( \frac{1}{2} (base)(height)\) , \(A = \frac{1}{2} (14)(7) = 49\)

49- Choice A is correct
One method to compare fractions is to convert them to decimals.
A. \(\frac{5}{6} = 0.833\)
B. \(\frac{1}{4} = 0.25\)
C. \(\frac{7}{9} = 0.77\)
D. \(\frac{5}{8}= 0.625\)
0.833 or \(\frac{5}{6}\) is the largest number.

50- Choice B is correct
\(\frac{16}{100} = 0.16\)

51- Choice C is correct
Since Julia running at 4.5 miles per hour and Julia is running at the speed of 7 miles per hour, each hour their distance decreases by 2.5 miles. So, it takes 3.2 hours to cover the distance of 7.5 miles. \(8÷2.5=3.2\)

52- Choice D is correct
Since Julie gives 7 pieces of candy to each of her friends, then, the number of pieces of candies must be divisible by 7.
A. \(78 ÷ 7 = 11.14\)
B. \(129 ÷ 7 = 18.42\)
C. \(167 ÷ 7 = 23.85\)
D. \(189 ÷ 7 = 27\)
Only choice D gives a whole number.

53- Choice C is correct
\($11×12=$132\), Petrol use: \(12×3=36\) liters, Petrol cost: \(36×$1=$36\)
Money earned: \($132-$36=$96\)

54- Choice C is correct

55- Choice B is correct
Perimeter=2(width\(+\)length), A= width\(×\)length
First, find the length of the rectangle.
Perimeter=2(width\(+\)length) → 156=2(19\(+\) length) →156 = 38+2(length)→ 118=2(length) → length=59

56- Choice C is correct
An obtuse angle is an angle of greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees. Only choice C is an obtuse angle.

57- Choice D is correct
The failing rate is 46 out of \(184 = \frac{46}{184}\), Change the fraction to percent: \(\frac{46}{184} ×100\%=25\%\)
25 percent of students failed. Therefore, 75 percent of students passed the exam.

58- Choice D is correct
\(\space \)\(\space \)\(49 \space hr. \space 17 \space min.\)
\(-\) \(31 \space hr. \space 29 \space min.\)
\(\space \)\(\space \)\(17\space hr. \space 48 \space min.\)

59- Choice D is correct
If the length of the box is 36, then the width of the box is one-fourth of it, 9, and the height of the box is 3 (one-third of the width). The volume of the box is:
\(V=(length)(width)(height)=(36)(9)(3)=972 m^3\)

60- Choice B is correct
Let x be the number of raptors Daniel saw on Monday. Then:
Mean\(=\frac{x+7+12+9+8}{5} = 9 → x+36=45 → x = 45-36 = 9\)

61- Choice B is correct
There are 12 squares and 8 of them are shaded. Therefore, 8 out of 12 or \(\frac{8}{12}=\frac{2}{3}\) are shaded.

62- Choice B is correct
1 pizza has 6 slices. 14 pizzas contain (\(14 × 6\)) 84 slices.

63- Choice D is correct
To find the discount, multiply the number by (\(100\%\) \(–\) rate of discount).
Therefore, for the first discount we get: (\(450\))(\(100\%\)\(–\)\(10\%\))=(\(450\))(\(0.90\))
For the next \(25 \%\) discount: \((450)(0.90)(0.75)\)

64- Choice D is correct
A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides is a trapezoid.

65- Choice C is correct
Plugin 20 for A in the equation. Only choice A works. \(A×10=350 , A=35\)

66- Choice D is correct
\(1\) hour: \($5.45\) , \(12\) hours: \(12×$5.45=$65.4\)

67- Choice B is correct
There are 68 students in the class. 24 of them are male and 44 of them are female.
44 out of 68 are female. Then: \(\frac{44}{68}=\frac{x}{100}→4,400=68x→x=4400÷68=64.7\%≈65\)

68- Choice D is correct
Write a proportion and solve. \(\frac{3}{5}=\frac{x}{120}\) , Use cross multiplication: \(5x=360→x=72\)

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