Finding the Area Between Two Rectangles

This article will help you learn how to find and calculate the area that exists between two overlapping rectangles.

Finding the Area Between Two Rectangles

A step-by-step guide to finding the area between two rectangles

The formula of the area of a rectangle is: A\(=\)l\(×\)w
To discover the area between two rectangles, follow these 3 steps:
Step 1: Identify the length (l) and width (w) of the larger rectangle. Then, find the area of the larger rectangle via this formula \(A_{B}=l_{B}×w_{B}\).
Step 2: Identify the length (l) and width (w) of the smaller rectangle. Then, determine the area of the smaller rectangle via this formula \(A_{S}=l_{S}×w_{S}\)
Step 3: Subtract the area of the smaller rectangle from the area of the bigger rectangle to find the area between the two rectangles.

Finding Area Between Two Rectangles – Examples 1

Calculate the shaded area of this shape.

Calculate the shaded area of this shape.
Step 1: Find the area of the larger rectangle via this formula \(A_{B}=l_{B}×w_{B}.
Step 2: Find the area of the lesser rectangle via this formula \(A_{S}=l_{S}×w_{S}\)\(
Step 3: Subtract the area of the lesser rectangle from the area of the bigger rectangle to find the area between the two rectangles.

Finding Area Between Two Rectangles – Examples 2

Calculate the shaded area of this shape.

Step 1: Find the area of the larger rectangle via this formula \(A_{B}=l_{B}×w_{B}.
Step 2: Find the area of the lesser rectangle via this formula \(A_{S}=l_{S}×w_{S}\)\(
Step 3: Subtract the area of the lesser rectangle from the area of the bigger rectangle to find the area between the two rectangles.

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