Convert Rational Numbers to a Fraction

Convert Rational Numbers to a Fraction

To convert a rational number to a fraction, you have to write it in the format of \(\frac{a}{b}\).
Both a and b are integers and they can be positive and negative but \(b≠0\).
For instance; each one of these numbers \(\frac{2}{7}, -\frac{5}{11}, \frac{-8}{-4}\), and \(\frac{-11}{-18}\) is a rational number.

Convert Rational Numbers to a Fraction – Examples 1

Convert 0.6 to a fraction.
Step 1: 0.6 is 6 tenths. Write down 6 as a numerator and 10 as a denominator. \(0.6=\frac{6}{10}\)
Step 2: Simplify if it is possible. \(\frac{6}{10}=\frac{3}{5}\)

Convert Rational Numbers to a Fraction – Examples 2

Convert \(-0.22\) to a fraction.
Step 1:
\(-0.22\) is \(-22\) hundredths. Write down \(-22\) as a numerator and 100 as a denominator. \(-0.22=-\frac{22}{100}\)
Step 2: Simplify if it is possible. \(-\frac{22}{100}=–\frac{11}{50}\)

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