Convert Between Fractions and Decimals

Convert Between Fractions and Decimals

A Fraction has a numerator that is on the top and a denominator that is on the bottom.
A decimal is a number that is between two whole numbers. It has a decimal point to separate the whole number from the parts of a whole.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you must divide its numerator by its denominator.
The best way to make this division is to use a calculator.

Step by step to convert decimals to fractions:

Step 1: Add 1 to the denominator of the decimal number.
Step 2: Multiply its denominator and the numerator by multiples of 10, for every one of the decimal points.
Step 3: Simplify if it is possible.

Convert Between Fractions and Decimals – Examples 1

Write 0.4 as a fraction.
Step 1:
Write down the decimal as a fraction in which the denominator is 1.
Step 2: Multiply its denominator and the numerator by multiples of 10.
Step 3: Simplify.

Convert Between Fractions and Decimals – Examples 2

Write \(\frac{1}{5}\) as a decimal number.
Step 1:
Divide the numerator (1) by the denominator (5).

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