10 Most Common 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math Questions

10 Most Common 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math Questions

Preparing 3rd-grade students for the 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math test? Want a preview of the most common mathematics questions on the 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math test? If so, then you are in the right place.

The mathematics section of the 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System can be a challenging area for some students, but with enough patience, it can be easy and even enjoyable!

Sometimes, preparing students for the 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math test can be a nerve-wracking experience. Learning more about what your student is going to see when he/she taking the 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System can help you measure your student’s exam readiness. Here’s a chance to review the 10 most common 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math questions to help your students know what to expect and what to practice most. Let your students try these 10 most common 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math questions to hone their mathematical skills and to see if their math skills are up to date on what’s being asked on the exam or if they still need more practice.

Make sure to follow some of the related links at the bottom of this post to get a better idea of what kind of mathematics questions your students need to practice.

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10 Sample 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math Practice Questions

1- Classroom A contains \(8\) rows of chairs with \(4\) chairs per row. If classroom B has three times as many chairs, which number sentence can be used to find the number of chairs in classroom B?

A. \(8 × 4 + 3\)

B. \(8 + 4 × 3\)

C. \(8 × 4 × 3\)

D. \(8 + 4 + 3\)

2- A cafeteria menu had spaghetti with meatballs for \($8\) and bean soup for \($6\). How much would it cost to buy three plates of spaghetti with meatballs and three bowls of bean soup? __________

3- There are \(7\) days a week. There are \(24\) hours in the day. How many hours are in a week?

A. \(48\)

B. \(96\)

C. \(168\)

D. \(200\)

4- Emily described a number using these clues:
Three-digit odd numbers that have a \(6\) in the hundreds place and a \(3\) in the tens place

A. \(627\)

B. \(637\)

C. \(632\)

D. \(636\)

5- This clock shows a time after \(12:00\) PM. What time was it \(1\) hour and \(30\) minutes ago?

A. \(12:45\) PM

B. \(1:45\) PM

C. \(1:15\) PM

D. \(12:15\) PM

6- Olivia has \(84\) pastilles. She wants to put them in boxes of \(4\) pastilles. How many boxes does she need?

A. \(20\)

B. \(21\)

C. \(24\)

D. \(28\)

7- A football team is buying new uniforms. Each uniform costs \($20\). The team wants to buy \(11\) uniforms.
Which equation represents a way to find the total cost of the uniforms?

A. \((20 × 10) + (1 × 11) = 200 + 11\)

B. \((20 × 10) + (10 × 1) = 200 + 10\)

C. \((20 × 10) + (20 × 1) = 200 + 20\)

D. \((11 × 10) + (10 × 20) = 110 + 200\)

8- There are \(92\) students from Lexington Elementary school at the library on Tuesday. The other \(54\) students in the school are practicing in the classroom. Which number sentence shows the total number of students in Riddle Elementary school?

A. \(92 + 54\)

B.\(92 -54\)

C. \(92 × 54\)

D. \(92 ÷54\)

9- Use the picture below to answer the question.

Which fraction shows the shaded part of this square?

A. \(\frac{92}{100}\)

B. \(\frac{92}{10}\)

C. \(\frac{90}{100}\)

D. \(\frac{8}{100}\)

10- Which number correctly completes the number sentence \(90 × 25 =\) ?

A. \(225\)

B. \(900\)

C. \(1250\)

D. \(2250\)

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1- C
\(3\) times of \(8\) rows of chairs with \(4\) chairs per day are: \(3 × 8 × 4\)

2- 42
\(3\) spaghetti with meatballs cost: \($3 × $8 = $24\)
\(3\) bowls of bean soup cost: \(3 × $6 = $18\)
\(3\) spaghetti with meatballs \(+\) \(3\) bowls of bean soup cost: \($24 + $ 18 = $42\)

3- C
\(1\) day: \(24\) hours so \(7\) days \(= 7 × 24 = 168\) hours

4- B
Three-digit odd numbers that have a \(6\) in the hundreds place and a \(3\) in the tens place is \(637. 632\) and \(636\) are even numbers.

5- A
Subtract hours: \(14– 1 = 13\)
Subtract the minutes: \(15 – 30 = – 15\)
The minutes are less than \(0\), so:
• Add \(60\) to minutes ( \(-15 +60 =45\) minutes)
• Subtract \(1\) from hours \((13 – 1 =12)\)

6- B
Olivia wants to divide \(84\) pastilles into boxes of \(4\) pastilles, so \(84 ÷ 4 = 21\) is the number of boxes.

7- C
The football team should buy \(11\) uniforms that each uniform cost \($20\) so they should pay\((11×$20) $220\).
Therefore, choice C is correct answer:
\((20 × 10) + (20 × 1) = 20(10+1) =20×11=220\)

8- A
Add \(92\) and \(54\) students to know the whole number of students.

9- A
the model for the fraction is divided into \(100\) equal parts. We shade \(92\) parts of these \(100\) parts that it’s equal to \(\frac{92}{100}\)

10- D
\(90 × 25 =2,250\)

Looking for the best resource to help you succeed on the 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math test?

The Best Books to Ace the 3rd Grade Georgia Milestones Assessment System Math Test

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