PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, and PSAT/NMSQT Preview

PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10 & PSAT/NMSQT– Everything You Need to Know

With the upcoming exams in October, it can be nerve-racking and stressful to keep track of these exam dates.
You may be studying hard and need more information on the dates, perhaps need essential tips, or even be confused about the significance of all these exams. We were all there once, do not worry.
This guide will give you everything you need to know about the exam dates and additional resources to help you advance further in your academic career.
All students must take the PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, and PSAT/NMSQT tests following the upcoming school year.
These exams can be highly beneficial to help prepare for the SAT and benefit all students in the long run throughout high school and higher and College.
Here is everything you need to know about the exams and how to prepare. So start additional resources on the scoring and benefits of taking exams.
The Absolute Best Book to Ace the PSAT /NMSQT Math Test
PSAT 8/9
The PSAT is the first exam on PSAT 8/9 and will cover what you have learned so far in high school.
- For 8th and 9th graders
- It helps you build confidence because everything is connected. In addition, the PSAT 8/9 will help you develop the skills and awareness for the PSAT10, PSAT/ NMSQT, and the SAT.
- The score report will show you which topic to review.
How to prepare for the PSAT 8/9:
- Take courses that will challenge you this way. You’re already ahead of the curve.
- Complete all of your homework and ask questions when you do not understand complicated problems or concepts
- Take practice exams and quizzes.
- Don’t be afraid to ask a question.
- Interestingly enough, when you take the PSAT 8/9, you can upload your results to Career Finder. Although nothing is final, the assessment will provide a road map to help spark interest.
Link PSAT Testing Resources:
The Absolute Best Book to Ace the PSAT 8/9 Math Test
NMSQT/ PSAT 10 Break Down
The preliminary test, NMSQT, or (the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) Practice version of the SAT.
The pre-sat is 2 hours and 45 minutes with a heavy focus on Reading, writing, and math
- These exams are for juniors and some 10th graders to prepare for SAT
- The test is set to take place on October 13th, 2021
- Students can sign up to take the test in school. There is no registration process held online.
The Main Difference Between the PSAT 8/9 & PSAT/ NMSQT: The PSAT is somewhat more straightforward. You will take the PSAT first, then the PSAT 10.
However, there are no scholarships attached to these exams. Therefore, these are shorter, and the score range is lower. Unilmatly, the PSAT is practice for the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT.
The Commonality in Both Exams:
- Both exams are great practice for the SAT & PSAT. Students will have a firm understanding of how both exams work and function.
- Exam tests on the same skills based on grade level
- The scoring system can help create a personalized study plan for Khan Academy.
- Both exam scores are not a part of the college admissions decision.
Benefits of the PSAT & NMSQT
- The National Merit Scholarship will be offered to students who have taken the PSAT & NMSQT and successfully meet all of the requirements, an academic competition for recognition and scholarship.
- Since the PSAT AND NMSAQT are for 10 and 11th grade, studies have shown that students scored higher than students who did not take the exams.
- Students that excel in AP courses get access to AP potential that uses SAT, PPSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 10. The PSAT 8/9 score will help you to excel in AP classes. AP. AP courses are also excellent for future success in college.
The PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 are beneficial resources to prepare students for the SAT. The goal of these exams is to test students on skill and knowledge on specific topics in high school that will help students identify what they need to focus on.
According to, “Historically, students who took the PSAT/NMSQT scored higher on the SAT, on average, than those who didn’t take
- Skill and knowledge students gain throughout high school
- These students identify core areas and hone those skills to succeed in College!
Best PSAT /NMSQT Math Prep Resource
Create a College Board account
The college board account will allow students to access PSAT/ NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 AND AP scoring online and send these scores to colleges.
Click Select to register for any sat and print Fair admission.
Students can also use the College Board account to connect to a Khan Academy for free. This tutoring site will create an individualized personal SAT prep study plan for students.
The college board account can be used to access SAT scores in the springtime.
To create a College Board student account:
College Board student account
Step-by-step instructions to prepare for PSAT Math Test:
How to prepare for PSAT Math Test
How to prepare for the PSAT 8/9 Math Test
Additional information:
If you need any extra resources on how to sign up for college board, confusion about the scoring, clarity on the test dates SPAT 8/9, and the benefits of taking these exams, straightforward below for detailed information.
College board benefits: A full breakdown of the benefits portion
Benefits of the PSAT/NMSQT
Understanding the Scoring System of SAT, PSAT & NMSQT & PSAT 10: This link provides you with the scoring information to give you all the information needed to succeed!
How is the PSAT/NMSQT Test Scored?
5 Tips on How to Score Higher on SAT Math
How to Get 800 on the SAT Math
PSAT/ NMSQT & PSAT 10 Resouces:
The Ultimate PSAT 10 Math Course
The Ultimate PSAT 8/9 Math Course
PSAT 8/9 information:
Learn About the PSAT 8/9
Sample questions for the PSAT/NMSQT & PSAT 10:
PSAT Math FREE Sample Practice Questions
PSAT 10 Math Practice Test Questions
The Best Books to Ace the PSAT Math Test
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