How to Prepare for the ALEKS Math Test?

ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) is an artificial intelligence-based assessment tool to measure the strengths and weaknesses of a student’s knowledge.
The ALEKS is available for a variety of subjects and courses in K-12, Higher Education, and Continuing Education.
The results of ALEKS’s assessment test help to find an appropriate level for course placement.
The ALEKS math placement assessment ensures students’ readiness for particular math courses at colleges.
ALEKS does not use multiple-choice questions like most other standardized tests. Instead, it utilizes an adaptable and easy-to-use method that mimics paper and pencil techniques.
When taking the ALEKS test, a brief tutorial helps you learn how to use ALEKS answer input tools. You then begin the ALEKS Assessment.
In about 30 to 45 minutes, the test measures your current content knowledge by asking 20 to 30 questions.
ALEKS is a Computer Adaptive (CAT) assessment. It means that each question will be chosen based on answers to all the previous questions. It also means that once you answer a question, you cannot go back and change your answer. Therefore, each set of assessment questions is unique.
The ALEKS Math assessment does not allow you to use a personal calculator. But for some questions ALEKS onscreen calculator button is active and the test taker can use it.
The Absolute Best Book to Ace the ALEKS Math Test
The ALEKS Math score is between 1 and 100 and is interpreted as a percentage correct.
A higher ALEKS score indicates that the test-taker has mastered more math concepts.
ALEKS Math assessment tool evaluates mastery of a comprehensive set of mathematics skills ranging from basic arithmetic up to precalculus, including trigonometry but not calculus. It will place students in classes up to Calculus.
Key Features of the ALEKS Mathematics Assessment
Some key features of the ALEKS Math assessment are:
- Mathematics questions on ALEKS are adaptive to identify the student’s knowledge from a comprehensive standard curriculum, ranging from basic arithmetic up to precalculus, including trigonometry but not calculus.
- Unlike other standardized tests, the ALEKS assessment does not provide a “grade” or “raw score.” Instead, ALEKS identifies which concepts the student has mastered and what topics the student needs to learn.
- ALEKS does not use multiple-choice questions. Instead, students need to produce authentic mathematical input.
- There is no time limit for taking the ALEKS Math assessment. But it usually takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete the assessment.
Topics covered on ALEKS Math Assessment:
- Real Numbers and Integers
- Proportions, Ratios, and Percent
- Algebraic Expressions
- Equations and Inequalities
- Linear Functions
- Exponents
- Polynomials
- Functions Operations
- Quadratic Functions
- Radical Expressions
- Geometry and Solid Figures
- Statistics and Probability
- Complex Numbers
- Exponentials and logarithms
- Trigonometric Functions
How to Study for the ALEKS Math Test?
The ALEKS is a comprehensive assessment and it gives real anxiety. But it can be sorted out by preparing and tutoring yourself.
Many test-takers find ALEKS Math questions challenging and hard.
The ALEKS determines at what level you start your college math. Therefore, placing into the appropriate college-level math course will save you time and tuition. This means that you should study for the placement test to optimize your placement.
Here is a step-by-step guide to help you prepare for the ALEKS Math assessment.
1. Choose your study program
Many prestigious ALEKS Mathematics books and study guides can help you prepare for the test.
Some test preparation companies have some offerings for ALEKS Math, and the short-listing of the best books ends up being a puzzling phenomenon.
There are also many online ALEKS Math courses.
If you just started preparing for the ALEKS test and you need a perfect ALEKS Math prep book, then ALEKS Math for Beginners: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Preparing for the ALEKS Math Test is a perfect and comprehensive prep book for you to master all ALEKS Math topics being tested right from scratch.
It will help you brush up on your math skills, boost your confidence, and do your best to succeed on the ALEKS Math Test.
This one is an alternative book:
If you just need an ALEKS Math exercise book or workbook to review the math topics on the test and measure your exam readiness, then try: “ALEKS Math Practice Workbook: The Most Comprehensive Review for the ALEKS Math Test”
If you have limited time and need a quick study guide to review the most important mathematics concepts, this prep book is a perfect resource to review key Mathematics concepts being tested on the ALEKS:
You can also use our FREE ALEKS Math worksheets: ALEKS Math Worksheets
Have a look at our FREE ALEKS Math Worksheets to assess your knowledge of Mathematics, find your weak areas, and learn from your mistakes.
ALEKS Math FREE Resources:
- The Ultimate ALEKS Math Course
- ALEKS Math Worksheets
- ALEKS Math Formulas
- Full-Length ALEKS Math Practice Test
- FREE ALEKS Math Practice Test
- Top 10 Free Websites for ALEKS Math Preparation
2. Master the basic Math topics
First, review and learn the ALEKS Math basic topics and concepts such as real numbers and integers, percent, ratios, proportions, etc.
When you feel you understand the basics, then you can review more advanced math concepts such as polynomials, the system of equations, Quadratics, etc. Before solving algebra problems, you need to review the concept of basic pre-algebra. Otherwise, you will have a hard time understanding higher-level math concepts.
3. Practice daily
Practicing mathematics concepts regularly will help you improve a lot and even learn and memorize topics easily. When it comes to math learning, constant practicing is the key to success.
4. Take Practice Tests
When you feel that you are ready to measure your math skills and exam readiness, it is time to experience a simulated ALEKS Math test.
You can take an online or written practice test (they are included in test prep books). You can use this ALEKS practice book to measure your exam readiness:
You can also take our FREE
5. Sign up for the ALEKS Assessment
When you feel that you are ready to take the ALEKS Mathematics assessment, visit the official ALEKS website, create your account, provide the personal information needed, select the subject test you want to take, pay the fee, and register for the exam.
Remember that to register for the ALEKS, you need a 10-character class code that you received from your instructor.
6. Take the ALEKS Math Assessment
ALEKS isn’t similar to traditional exams. It is a tool to help find the right mathematics course for students to have the best chance to succeed.
ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions and is just like paper and pencil exams.
ALEKS provides an online calculator for the student’s use.
When taking the exam, a brief online tutorial helps you learn how to use ALEKS answer input tools. After learning the tools, it’s time to answer 20 to 30 questions.
After completing the test, you will receive your score.
7. Interpreter Your Score
Each ALEKS assessment test is scored on a scale of 1 – 100 points.
In many colleges, course selection depends not just on your ALEKS score but on many other factors. Therefore, ALEKS scores should be interpreted with the assistance of your academic advisor.
The table below helps you to determine your placement, based on your score from the ALEKS Math Placement Exam.
ALEKS Math Score | Explanations and Suggestions |
less than 30 | You must retake the placement test. |
30 to 50 | You are strongly encouraged to retake the assessment after studying basic ALEKS Math concepts. |
50 to 75 | A score of 50 or higher allows you to register for some introductory math courses. If you want to register for higher-level math courses, then you should review advanced algebra and precalculus concepts and retake ALEKS to earn a score above 75. |
Above 75 | In most colleges and universities, a score above 75 allows you to take College Level Calculus course. |
8. Retake the ALEKS Math Assessment
If you want to place into a higher-level course, you may use ALEKS learning resources to practice and improve your mathematics skills and retake the assessment up to two additional times.
Best ALEKS Math Prep Resource
Some common questions about the ALEKS assessment program:
Who can take the ALEKS test?
Many colleges and universities ask students to take the ALEKS online placement test to be able to register for college courses.
To sign up for the ALEKS test, you need a 10-character class code you received from your instructor.
How to register for the ALEKS test?
If you have a 10-character class code you received from your instructor, you can signup for the ALEKS Assessment here.
How much does ALEKS cost?
The cost to take ALEKS for an individual student is $25.00.
How long is the ALEKS Math Test?
There is a 2.5 hours time limit for the ALEKS test. But, most students finish the test in about 30 to 45 minutes.
Is the Aleks math test hard?
The ALEKS Math Placement Assessment is just determining what mathematics course level you should take in college to have a better chance of being successful.
The ALEKS assessment measures your knowledge of mathematics up to pre-calculus. Therefore, receiving a score above 75 (usually being able to take a Calculus course) can be difficult for many students.
How do I prepare for ALEKS?
Many ALEKS Mathematics resources and study guides can help you prepare for the test.
This comprehensive ALEKS Math prep resource is one of the best resources to help you improve your knowledge of mathematics and prepare for the ALEKS assessment:
What kind of math is on the ALEKS?
ALEKS assessments cover a comprehensive set of skills ranging from basic arithmetic up to precalculus, including trigonometry. ALEKS doesn’t cover Calculus concepts.
What is a good score on the ALEKS math test?
In most colleges, ALEKS scores of 30 or higher are adequate preparation for college-level math. However, if you want to place at the highest level Math courses and save time and tuition, a score of 75 or higher is required.
What is the best ALEKS Math preparation FREE online course?
Our FREE ALEKS Math Worksheets assess your knowledge of Mathematics, find your weak areas, and learn from your mistakes.
You can also use our “The Ultimate ALEKS Math Course” to help you review ALEKS Math concepts and prepare for the assessment.
Can I use a calculator on the ALEKS test?
The ALEKS Math assessment does not allow you to use a personal calculator. But for some questions ALEKS onscreen calculator button is active and the test taker can use it.
How many questions are on the ALEKS Math test?
The ALEKS test measures your current content knowledge of mathematics by asking 20 to 30 questions. The number of questions varies depending on your answers.
Once I answer a question, can I go back and change my answer?
ALEKS is a Computer Adaptive assessment. It means that each question will be chosen based on answers to all the previous questions. It also means that once you answer a question, you cannot go back and change your answer.
How many times can I retake the ALEKS Math test?
You may take the ALEKS Math placement assessment up to three times. Remember that there is generally no benefit to retaking it immediately after completing a previous attempt.
What if I retest and do worse?
If your previous ALEKS math placement test score was higher, then ALEKS will keep the higher score, unless the score has expired.
Do ALEKS scores expire?
Yes! Your ALEKS score is valid for up to one year.
What if my computer crashes while taking the assessment?
If your computer has problems during your testing, you can log back into the ALEKS assessment and resume testing.
More from Effortless Math for ALEKS Test …
Looking for the best resources to help you succeed on the ALEKS Math test?
we prepared a complete list of free Top 10 Free Websites for ALEKS Math Preparation.
Need a FREE ALEKS Math Practice Test to improve your score?
Check out our full-length ALEKS Math practice test.
also, don’t miss our ALEKS Math Formulas.
The Best Books to Ace the ALEKS Math Test
Have any questions about the ALEKS Test?
Write your questions about the ALEKS or any other topics below and we’ll reply!
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