How is the TABE Test Scored?

TABE stands for Test of Adult Basic Education and covers various fields in mathematics, reading, and language. To better prepare for the TABE exam, you need to know how the test is scored and what role the results play in determining your level of education.
Although TABE covers some of the same topics as other standardized tests, it relies on a set of grading principles that are completely different from what you are used to. For example, consider the fact that there is no passing or failing score on TABE. Your goal as a test-taker is to answer as many questions correctly as you can. You will not lose points by leaving blank questions.
The number of correct answers is added based on the difficulty level of your particular TABE test and is measured based on the average performance of the selected test group. There are five difficulty levels for TABE: Literacy, Easy, Medium, Difficult and Advanced. Before taking the test, you will be given a short locator test to determine which level is right for you.
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Understanding scores
TABE test results include several different scores for each part of the test. Below are breakdowns of scores commonly used by college administrators and instructors.
1- Raw score:
The raw score indicates the number of correct answers you have collected in the test. The number correct, or NC, is used to generate the scale score.
2- Scale score:
The scale score is what is used to compare your performance with the norm. In other words, your score shows how well you performed compared to the average test-takers at the same level and content area. You will notice that the scale score is between 0 and 999. These scores can help you target your training goals for the future because you can see skill areas in which you are stronger or weaker, respectively. Because they can be compared across all TABS subject areas and levels, scale scores are also useful for tracking your progress.
3- Grade equivalent score:
The grade equivalent (GE) is a score that is often not interpreted for TABE. The score’s format mirrors the typical structure seen in K-12 education, with the numbers 0-12.9 representing a particular school month and year. These scores can indicate the level at which you have done in a given subject area.
However, these scores cannot use to compare performance with different test levels. For example, if you score 7.3 on the medium level test for math, you may get a lower GE score on the difficult level test, because the test is for students in the range of 6.0-8.9 GE, while the medium level test is for students in the 4.0-5.9 GE range.
What are the scores used for?
The resulting scale and grade equivalent scores are used to place you in adult introductory training classes tailored to your level of ability and/or determine your readiness to enter a career training program. Some schools also require students to take the TABE a second time and earn acceptable grades to complete a program.
Each school has its minimum grade point average, so make sure you know what your university is looking for.
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You can try our free resources: FREE TABE Math Practice Test and TABE Math FREE Sample Practice Questions
Are you planning to take the TABE math test but do not know where to start?
How to Prepare for the TABE Math Test is a comprehensive guide to help you shine in the TABE Math test.
Is TABE math test day decisive for you?
We know this too, so here are some tips to help you succeed on this day: TABE Math-Test Day Tips
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