HiSET Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

ETS is dedicated to offering reasonable accommodations to test takers with disabilities and health-related requests appropriate for the exam’s purpose.
Accommodations are available for test-takers who have been diagnosed with a disability, including but not limited to the following:
- Psychological or psychiatric disorders
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- Physical disorders/chronic health disabilities
- Learning and other cognitive disabilities
- Hearing and visual impairment
- Intellectual disabilities
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What accommodations are available?
If you meet an American with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) disability requirements, you may be eligible for a variety of various accommodations.
In addition, certain accommodations do not require you to go through the request and approval process. For example, your testing center may provide certain supplies, or you may bring your own.
How do I request accommodations?
The process of submitting a request can take up to six weeks. If you require accommodations, you must make them before scheduling your HiSET® exam.
Nota bene: Many of the processes required to request accommodations can be completed through your HiSET account. You can also arrange your exam using your HiSET account if you are allowed for specific accommodations.
How Long Does It Take to Earn a High School Equivalency Diploma?
You can go at your own pace.
The HiSET® exam takes approximately seven hours to complete. These seven hours are divided into five subtests that you can take over sometimes on separate days.
How long it takes to complete the exam-taking and pass all five subtests — is entirely up to you. Numerous factors could influence how long it takes, including the following:
- Your level of education
- How much time do you have available for studying?
- Regardless of whether you pass each subtest on your first attempt
- How quickly you wish to take the examination
- It takes a few weeks for some and a year for others.
Four simple steps
1. See if the exam is right for you.
Begin by determining whether you qualify for a high school equivalency credential in your state. Each state has its own set of regulations. For example, certain states require you to be a certain age or a resident or attend a preparation course before testing.
2. Prepare for the exam.
There are numerous preparation methods. If you recently graduated from high school with a strong academic record, you may be able to study independently using an online study program or a test preparation book.
However, you are not required to prepare alone if you so like. Adult education classes are available — frequently for free — if you require additional assistance.
3. Sign up for the exam.
Depending on where you’re testing, you can arrange an appointment by phone, in person at a test facility, or online at the HiSET exam website.
Appointments can be rescheduled, if necessary, but you must verify with your test center for specific policies.
You may take the five subtests in any order, depending on your location. In addition, you can schedule a single or more subtest on the same day or across several months.
4. Get your results.
When you complete testing (save for the Language Arts – Writing subtest), you will receive your unofficial computer-delivered scores at your test facility. Official scoring occurs when ETS receives your test center response sheets.
Scores for multiple-choice subtests are then submitted to your HiSET account within three business days, and for the Language Arts – Writing subtest, within five business days.
All scores are transmitted automatically to your state. Your credential will be sent to you by either your state or the Diploma Sender if you pass.
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